Fly Tying Tool Bar Organizer

Improved Trash Stash!
A few hearty fishers have lost the spools of the original Trash Stash while taking on a serious bush bash. In response, we've re-designed the way the spool attaches giving it some threads to make sure your spool doesn't get lost in the wilderness.
Don't worry, after passing the threads the spool still spins freely allowing the Trash Stash to gobble up all that spent line. To unthread, lightly tug on the spool while turning it count-clockwise to unscrew.

Fish BITE!
Introducing the Fish Bite rod holder.
You know when you need an extra hand to hold your rod while you change out your flies or tippet? Well, here's a little fishy friend to help you out. It's available in our shop now.
How strong is the little fella? Well, I'm glad you asked. Here's a video of me testing how much the Fish Bite holds on to your precious rod.
Meet the Trash Stash
Yamashita Innovations is about solving those little problems
I strive to find ways to solve those little problems that spoil your fly fishing adventures. In my webshop here at TrashStash.Shop you'll find the products I have on offer.
Unlike large manufacturers, I produce these products out of my own home in small batches. If you find we're out of stock please just sign up to the restock notification to be updated when I replenish it.
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